SMKS Vidya Sasana,Karimun 23/03/2024 kegiatan hari ini pembagian Takjil di jalan Raja Oesman tepatnya di depan sekolah Yayasan Cetiya Vidya Sasana. Bulan ramadhan merupakan bulan yang penuh berkah. Banyak dari masyarakat, khususnya umat muslim yang berlomba-lomba melakukan kebaikan. Tak terkecuali bagi Sekolah Yayasan Cetiya Vidya Sasana. Pada Sabtu (23/03/2024) ANGGOTA OSIS, GURU dan KARYAWAN didampingi oleh Kepala Sekolah SMKS VIDYA SASANA Bpk.Daud Gunawan,S.E ikut membagikan takjil kepada masyarakat di sekitar Sekolah Cetiya Vidya Sasana. Kegiatan ini merupakan kegiatan rutin yang diadakan oleh Sekolah Cetiya Vidya Sasana di setiap bulan ramadhan.
Pada tahun ini Sekolah Cetiya Vidya Sasana menyiapkan kurang lebih sebanyak 100 paket takjil yang akan diberikan kepada kelompok masyarakat yang melewati jalan. More……
berbagi kasih kepada sesama….
Elevate Learning Adventures with The Story Shack!
A library of 200+ high-quality books tailored to the school curriculum.
StoryShack’s Build a Book bundle features word searches, quizzes, creative coloring pages, high-quality images, and top SEO keywords.
StoryShack’s StoryCraft Pro bundle includes the “Melody Minds Library” with 350+ music tracks and “AnimateMasters Pro,” offering 30+ categories of animations.
And as if that’s not enough, here are the MEGA BONUSES:
✔ 100+ Mega Mazes Pack
✔ 100+ Sudoku Elements Pack
✔ 100+ Comic Book Template Pack
✔ 100+ Handwriting Practice Template Pack
✔ 100+ Kids Story Book Templates
✔ Canva Book Templates
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✔ INCLUDED: The Ultimate Workbook
Click to explore The Story Shack e-Learning Collection and seize the opportunity for multiplied income!
Elevate Learning Adventures with The Story Shack!
A library of 200+ high-quality books tailored to the school curriculum.
StoryShack’s Build a Book bundle features word searches, quizzes, creative coloring pages, high-quality images, and top SEO keywords.
StoryShack’s StoryCraft Pro bundle includes the “Melody Minds Library” with 350+ music tracks and “AnimateMasters Pro,” offering 30+ categories of animations.
And as if that’s not enough, here are the MEGA BONUSES:
✔ 100+ Mega Mazes Pack
✔ 100+ Sudoku Elements Pack
✔ 100+ Comic Book Template Pack
✔ 100+ Handwriting Practice Template Pack
✔ 100+ Kids Story Book Templates
✔ Canva Book Templates
✔ Additional beautiful content like journal prompts
✔ INCLUDED: The Ultimate Workbook
Click to explore The Story Shack e-Learning Collection and seize the opportunity for multiplied income!
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